Prama mask holder
Our handmade and customizable mask holders can be ordered! Sile and Prama quality.
Sizes for men, women and children from 3 to 12 years.
Confortable insertion of the surgical template into the internal pocket.
Available colors: white, dark blue, beige, purple, red, orange, black, turquoise. Colors Available prints and customizations: white, black, warm yellow and royal blue.
Choice between elastic at the nape and elasctico behind the ears. No more bother and fogging glasses!
Choiche between BPSL, P, Tag, prAma and BPSL Pattern print.
Choice your favorite personalization between Gotic or Tag Capital, Tag Style and Block letters.
100% cotton only € 5 plus shipping!
Surgical mask and personalization not included. Personalization cost +5€ each.
For orders write to us at pramainfo@gmail.com or WhatsApp +39 350 0760428