The Fall 2022 Recap
Since the Funky Fresh B. Boy Sdido, Serena and the whole crew have accustomed us to high-level events, where healthy competition, skills and fun are the masters. This year they return with a new event and a new format: The Fall. Between Samurai, Ninja and Ronin this year too we have seen some good ones!
We arrive at the gim (La Fenice) on Friday, a day of workshops and final preparations. We presented the new B.PRO® undershirt (Click here to find out more), the top against injuries, and we had a great evening all together.
Saturday Morning wake up early to prepare the Writing area and the gym, the B.Boys and B.Girls begin to arrive. The turnout is high, as well as the participants who will challenge the Italian and international guests. The day goes by without particular hitches, and the atmosphere is positive as always. While outside the Writers Mek, Jato, Epiks and Noez paint inside the dancers try to take possession of the bounties or the possibility of becoming Samurai for the next edition.
Here is the concept as explained on the event page:
"There will be 8 international breakers and 4 international all style dancers that will go by the name of SAMURAI!There will be 8 Italian breakers and 4 Italian all style dancers that will go by the names of NINJAS!
There will be 8 open spots for breakers and 4 open spots for all style dancers to qualify in the prelims that go by the names of RONIN!
Concept for the 1 vs 1:
The top-8 (breakin) & top-4 (all styles) preselection qualifiers will be the RONIN.
The RONIN will have a chance to compete against the top-8(breakin) & top-4(all styles) (NINJAS) and then top-8 & top-4 international (SAMURAI).
FIRST: the RONIN will compete in a top-16(breakin) top-8(all styles)against the NINJAS . *YOU HAVE ONE ROUND.* If you win against a NINJA, you will win a bounty of 50€(only for breakin) as well as your opponent’s flag (with name/crew/city/country).
SECOND:The winners of the first round (mix of NINJA&RONIN if they win) will go on to compete in a top-16 (breakin) top-8(all styles) against the SAMURAI (international guests). *THREE ROUNDS EACH* until final…If a RONIN wins against a SAMURAI, you will win 150€ (only for breakin)plus your opponent’s flag.(RONIN can accumulate money every time they defeat either a NINJA or SAMURAI plus their representative flag as a trophy)
THIRD: this unfolds like any regular tournament ( SAMURAI and NINJA cannot win a bounty, just their opponents’ flag if they are NINJA or SAMURAI…RONIN do not have a flag).
1st prize breakin: 2000€ + bounty money if you are a RONIN.
1st prize all styles: 1000€”